Website traffic is the currency of the Internet. The more traffic you get from search engines the more money you can make out of it. Do you want more search traffic to your new blog? Are you spending a lot of time creating content for your blog but still struggling to increase traffic from search engines like Google? Who doesn’t want more search traffic? I’m a big traffic lover and I always love to find proven methods to increase website organic traffic. Over the years, I’ve tried so many website traffic strategies ranging from creating guest posts to using infographics to increase website Google traffic. Although website traffic generation strategies change from time to time, there are still few evergreen ways to increase your website’s organic traffic. I’ll be covering such website traffic generation tips in this detailed guide (over 4,000 words) to increase website traffic from search engines. Let’s jump into the details without much ado.

12 Proven Ways to Increase Your Website Search Traffic in 2023

1. Target long-tail keywords

Long tail keywords are low-hanging fruits that can help you easily rank higher in search engines like Google even if you have a new website. If you want to increase your website’s search traffic, you must find and target long-tail keywords. Here are a few examples of long-tail keywords.

compare pdf files (is a 3 word long tail keyword) compare two pdf documents (is a 4 word long tail keyword) compare pdfs online for free (is a 5 word long tail keyword) Best pdf comparison tool (is a 4 word long tail keyword) compare multiple pdf files online free (is a 6 word long tail keyword)

If you look at the above long tail keyword examples, the 6 word long tail keyword will definitely have less search volume (so easier to rank for) when compared to the 3 word long tail keyword like “compare pdf files”. Here’s a great illustration that tells you about the importance of using long tail keywords within your content to increase your site’s organic traffic easily. As you can see from the above image, 70% of overall search traffic comes from long tail keywords with have 4 to 6 word phrases. That said, here are a few PROVEN tips and tricks to use long tail keywords to increase your website traffic in 2023 and beyond.

Always focus on finding 4 to 5 word phrases long tail keywords over 3 word long tail keywords because they drive 70% of traffic from search engines like Google. Use the right tools for finding long tail keywords. You can either go for premium tools like Semrush, Ahrefs or Long Tail Pro or you can also get started with free tools like, Ubersuggest or Keyword Planner from Google. Make sure to find low search volume keywords (below 500 monthly searches) if you’re just starting out as they are easy to rank for. Make sure to identify keywords that have a relatively high search volume but are less competitive. Tools like Semrush or even Google Planner make it easy to see whether a keyword you’re evaluating has a lot of competition or if it’s going to be a little easier for you to rank for because the competition is less.

2. Create in-depth content

Do you want to get long-lasting traffic from search engines? We have a quick and PROVEN tip for you: create long form of content. Do you know why? It works like a charm no matter what industry you are in. Just have a look at a recent case study done by SEO expert Brian Dean about the average content word count for top-ranking pages on Google. So what can you learn from the above case study? The average word count of a Google first page result is 1,890 words. Several other search engine ranking factors studies have found that longer content performed better in Google. According to Brian Dean, this correlation could be due to the fact that longer content generates significantly more social shares. So if you want higher search rankings for your content, create in-depth content. It’s as simple as that. If you’re wondering about how to create in-depth content that goes viral online, here are a few powerful tips for you which work like a charm no matter what industry you are in.

Make sure to spend more time researching the topic you’re going to cover within your blog posts. The more you research the more you can learn. Always outline your blog posts in Google Docs or any other tool that you can find similar. Make sure to outline your content by using lots of headings including h2 and h3 tags so you can include your primary and secondary keywords as well. Define your target audience before you start to produce content for your website. Think about your audiences rather than treating them as customers if you want to get higher website conversion rates. Last but not least. Learn from others and make sure to create timeless content so it will be useful even after 5 years.

Read: 20 Best SEO Blogs to Read in 2023

3. Perform site audits

If you’re struggling to increase your website’s search traffic even after producing great content, your site might have few technical related issues. That’s why your website needs to undergo site audits (aka website health check) so you can easily find out all the issues with your site and fix them immediately to get better rankings from search. For site audits, we’ve been relying upon only one tool which is Semrush. Here are few benefits of using Site Audit tool from Semrush.

Check your site’s health (it also gives your site a health score out of 100) Track SEO optimization progress Find and fix hreflang mistakes Ensure the security of your website with HTTPS checks Detect all possible AMP implementation issues Prioritize SEO issues and decide what to fix first And the list goes on

Here’s how the site audit feature looks like in Semrush. So what are you waiting for? Click here to grab 30 days free trial from Semrush (worth $119.95) Here are few quick tips while performing site audits using tools like Semrush.

Always make sure to work on solving your website errors when using Semrush site audit feature. Because errors are highly toxic to your site’s health and can cause severe SEO issues.By fixing your website errors, you can drastically improve your overall website’s traffic and total score on Semrush. Find out if your content has any issues such as missing alt tags, broken links, lengthy title tags, missing meta descriptions, low word count pages and so on.Start working on them so you can improve the quality and rankings of your overall website pages. Analyse your website’s search engine traffic and find out your top performing posts. If possible try to add more relevant keywords to your top posts. You can easily do so from Semrush keyword research tool. Have a closer look at your backlink profile. Check for toxic links. If you find any toxic or bad links pointing to your site, use Google’s Disavow tool to remove them.

4. Use Quora wisely

Quora is the world’s #1 Q & A platform where millions of people get answers to their questions. It doesn’t matter whether you want information around space to science to investments to life advice, Quora got it all covered. Did you know that you can use Quora wisely to get more search traffic? Let us show you a real example so you can understand it better. When you enter the keyword “best Indian bloggers”, you’ll see Quora results in the first page on Google. Although there are so many blogs that are trying to compete for the same keyword, yet Quora is ranking in the first page. If you want to get traffic, you can do these things. You can go to top ranking pages of Quora (for instance, the above keyword) and start giving answers to the questions which are listed in the Google search results. Quick tip: Make sure to include your blog’s URL or even better include a link to the similar blog post or page which has the relevant information to the Quora answers. They easily help you get more traffic, upvotes, social shares and so on. Quora can also be used for coming up with new ideas, LSI keyword ideas and even keyword ideas for your future blog posts. So take advantage of it and start spending time on Quora from now on if you want to increase your website traffic and promote your site wisely. That being said, here are few pro tips if you want to get more out of Quora.

Find relevant people in your industry to follow on Quora. If you’re into SEO, you can follow people like Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, Brian Dean and so on. You can learn so much from them.You can easily find out what topics they are mostly covering and how they are writing answers to fetch more upvotes and traffic back to their sites. Find and follow all the relevant topics to your industry on Quora. If you’re into SEO, you can follow topics like link building, keyword research, SEO tools and so on and you can get relevant answers and questions in your Quora feed whenever you login. Don’t self-promote. This is one of the biggest mistakes most people make while writing on Quora. If you’re boasting about yourself or spamming your answers with links to your website, you’re actually not helping people and you won’t get any results that way. While writing answers, make sure to add relevant links wherever necessary but don’t overdo it.

5. Google loves WordPress sites

Always prefer WordPress over Blogger or any other blogging platform. Why WordPress Is Better than Blogger? Most bloggers ask me this question – which blogging platform should I go for? WordPress or Blogger? I certainly recommend them all to use “WordPress” content management system. Not only because I used both WordPress and blogger platforms, but I know why WordPress is way better than the Blogger platform. So why is WordPress better than Blogger platform? There are millions of bloggers who use WordPress as their blogging platforms, the percentage of people who use WordPress is more than that of any other blogging platform. WordPress certainly has few great assets than other blogging platforms, in this article we are discussing few surefire reasons why you need to prefer WordPress over blogger.

6. Reasons why WordPress is better than Blogger

  1. More power to you In blogger platform, you don’t have much control over your sites, it means you have all the risk while monetizing and maintaining your sites. Whereas in WordPress, you have all the control over your sites, you are your own boss. No one has the ability to stop your blogging efforts, because you own your own domain name and hosting.
  2. Professional look Agree with me or not, WordPress blog designs look way better than that of blogger platform. You will be able to use thousands of themes which are ranging from free to premium. The good thing about WordPress themes is even free themes look amazingly great. There are thousands of free (good looking) themes in the WordPress themes directory. You can also use search engine friendly themes like Thesis, Genesis to enhance your rankings in the search engine results.
  3. More control over SEO Blogger platform doesn’t have great SEO options by default. And you can’t take your SEO campaign to the next level using blogger platform. WordPress platform is well-known for its search engine optimization to rank high in the search results. Moreover, you can always take charge of your SEO rankings by using premium search engine friendly themes like Genesis or by using top class SEO plugins like easy WP SEO, long tail pro etc. So by using WordPress you will definitely rank better than the bloggers who are using blogger platform with these functionalities.
  4. Easy to customize, update and maintain WordPress blogs are easy to customize, even if you are not a tech savvy you won’t find it hard to customize your own blog design or whatever it is. Frequently WordPress updates its versions and thus you will get rid of all security threats or minor defects time to time. By just one click you can update your WP versions, there’s no blogging platform that’s so easy to update like this.
  5. Free blog hosting = so many problems (in blogger) The worst part about blogger platform is this: you never know when Google will suspend site. The people who use blogger platform risk having their account suspended for breaching Google’s TOS – this happened to many blogger platform users till date. Another big risk by using blogger is: if you want to sell your site, it’s hard! Because you got a free hosting, it means you have NO control over your sites, you have to spend a lot of time in managing your stuff to sell to others. All these problems can be overcome by WordPress. If you don’t have any more interest in blogging, it takes few minutes to sell your WP blogs. It’s that easy! And I said earlier in this post, you have all the control over your sites and blogs, no one will ask you for violating terms!

7. Write keyword rich contents no matter what

Search engine optimization is the key to building a profitable blog. Without search engine traffic, your blog won’t last long. To make your prospects buying and to generate more leads, it’s a MUST to bring organic traffic. Luckily, the WordPress users have a great edge with SEO because there are so many great WordPress SEO plugins available, and most of them are free. Post consistently: If you want to become a top blogger in your niche, post consistently. I don’t mean that you need to post daily to succeed, but you have to be CONSISTENT with your blog posting frequency. Who will like to read your blog if you update blog posts inconsistently? The best way to know your blog posting frequency is by “testing”. Testing is the key to know the perfect blog post frequency on your blogs, know what works and what’s not. Take the help from your readers and other bloggers if you need. Use online survey tools like Survey monkey or use your email list to ask your readers “when to update”. This way you will have a better idea on what to write and when to update on your blogs. Write unique points: Get them talking about your blog posts. But how? Always write engaging content that solves your readers problems and give genuine value to your targeted readers. No one will like to read your blog if you post “generic contents”. Write unique posts that will create great impact on your blog readers in the long run. Take some time to research the topics that you are writing about and deliver the ‘best’ information to your readers. Create your own writing style to stand out from the crowd. Long tail keyword research is one of the effectively used techniques by most of the SEO experts and Internet marketers to boost their organic traffic. Recently, when Neil Patel launched and challenged to drive 100,000 monthly search visitors to his new blog, I was stunned how was he able to do that in just one year. He mainly used long tail keywords in his content creation strategy. If you want to repeat the same, here are few essential tips to follow to find potential long tail keywords that not only increase your search traffic but also your sales.

Start using Google keyword planner if you are a beginner. It’s not only free but free and a great place to begin with if you want to find long tail keywords. You can also start using “Long Tail Pro” keyword tool for finding great keyword ideas for any niche you are in. It’s a great tool for beginners to increase their search traffic as it gives a list of uncovered keyword ideas. Make sure you are targeting the long tail keywords with less than 1000 monthly searches. Otherwise it’s hard to rank for them even if you have too many links. Find all the top 10 posts in your blog and start using more long tail keywords within them to increase your site traffic.

Suggested Reading: Here’s A Simple Guide to Find Great Long Tail Keywords to Increase Traffic Skyscraper technique to create viral content that is proven to get more links and social shares. When Brian Dean coined the term Skyscraper technique, people who used it effectively got a quick growth in their traffic levels. Even I used the same technique to boost my search traffic here at BloggersPassion. Basically it comprises three things. One is finding viral content in your niche, the second is to create even better content around it and the third step is promote it to the right people to attract more links. If you are a beginner and never heard about this technique, I strongly recommend you to check out this post where I clearly mentioned how a beginner can use Skyscraper technique to grow their traffic and attract links.

8. Give importance to readers and search engines

Readers and search engines both are important. You simply can’t ignore both of them, readers will give your blog immense support to buy your products and search engines can bring you more readers in the long run for the potential keywords. Know your targeted keywords before writing a blog post, write for the readers first, then optimize the contents for the search engines. I don’t suggest anyone to use “keyword stuffing”, instead use long tail keywords to generate quality traffic from the search engines. You will definitely have more impact on search engines when you use long tail keywords like “blog tips for new bloggers”, instead of using just “blog tips”. Then build quality back links to your sites either by guest blogging or by writing link baiting posts which will naturally attract other bloggers to link to your posts. This way you can bring great traffic from the search engines in the long run, remember that, search traffic takes time to reach your blog. You simply can’t expect organic traffic flowing through your blog posts within 2 days. Use social media sites to boost your presence: By now, you should know the importance of social media sites like Facebook, twitter, Google+ etc. They are great resources if you want to quickly build a brand around your blogs. You should be dedicated enough to engage with other bloggers and influential bloggers in your niche using social media sites. Always share the best stuff around your network to grab other bloggers attention to click on your links. No one will care to read your stuff if you post generic contents, make sure you are spending enough time to read and write the best contents to solve your readers’ problems.

9. Guest blogging is a weapon – use it wisely

If you want to succeed in blogging, you need to get more online visibility no matter what. The best way to get more visibility in no time is this, guest post on other blogs which are better than yours! Guest blogging is going viral in blogosphere. Everyone is talking about guest blogging and more bloggers are entering into guest blogging to get more attention. Guest blogging will be fun and useful if you know how NOT to pitch your guest posts. In this article, we will discuss how not to write a guest post. You will better understand about your targeted readers if you once analyze your targeted blog posts. Guest blogging will not only give you links, visibility and traffic, but you can also create great relationships with other bloggers which will be helpful for your blog’s success in the long run. Try to create targeted guest posts to grab more readers attention to reach your blog posts. Make it easy for them to subscribe and become your subscribers.

10. SEO Tools And SEO Plugins Is All You Need

If you are a beginner and having a new blog, increasing your search traffic is really hard. Believe me when I say, it takes a lot of time and efforts to boost your organic traffic. But if you have access to the right SEO tools, increasing your search engine rankings is not a big deal. It not only allows you quickly improve your SEO skills but you can get rewarding results. Here are two major SEO tools I recommend highly to any new blogger who wants to attract more search traffic to their new blogs. Semrush: I was introduced to Semrush when I was struggling to increase my traffic from search engines. I was not only hit by Panda, Penguin updates but my traffic went down. That’s when I started reducing my blog posting frequency and started focusing more on creating detailed 2000 words with the help of Semrush. Here’s how its dashboard looks like; Semrush helps me find the best keywords and I can easily analyze my competitors best performing keywords. That way I can increase my chances of getting high rankings for any keyword I am aiming at. Here are few incredible benefits of using Semrush:

See competitors’ best keywords Discover new organic competitors Observe position changes of domains Uncover Your Competitor’s’ Ad Strategies and Budget Analyze Your Online Rivals’ Ad Copies and Keywords Discover New Competitors in AdWords and Bing Ads Localize Your Ad Campaigns See top publishers and advertisers

Click here to try Semrush FREE for 30 days Read More: Semrush Free Trial: Try Pro or Guru Account Free for 30 Days Worth Over $300 Rank Math SEO Plugin: This is a SEO plugin which is a gift for all the WordPress users. We are using this plugin on Even if you are a newbie, you will find it extremely easy to optimize your blog posts and pages for search engines. It helps you where to add your keywords (in titles, meta description, image alt tags, URL’s etc) so you can optimize your keywords without hurting your readership. Click to Get More Details about Rank Math plugin

11. Updating Your Old Blog Posts

Yes, you have heard it right. Updating your old blog posts is the surefire and quickest way to increase website rankings. Did you know that many of your competitors are ranking on first page results for your primary keywords just because they regularly update their old blog posts? Updating old blog posts improve your website traffic. See the data by yourself done by HubSpot team.

By updating your old blog posts, they can get better search rankings. The following things you should keep in mind while updating old blog posts to rank well on Google.

Find and use few more keywords in your old blog posts. That way you can rank for multiple keywords. Update your information if it’s old or non informative. Also, update all the images along with the screenshots. Share your old blog posts on social media sites by using better headlines. Yes, you can also change your titles for quick boost in your search rankings. Link to few more articles. You can also use external links to other sites and email the people whom you have linked about it. They might share or even link to your stuff. While updating old content, make sure to remove any unwanted information that’s not useful. You don’t need more words but your content should be highly authoritative, relevant and useful.

12. Start Working on Lower Ranking Keywords

It’s important for you to know your current keyword positions. Without tracking your keyword positions on Google, it’s impossible to increase your website rankings on Google instantly. Once you know all the lower rankings keywords for your site (I mean the keywords that are ranking on page 2, 3 or so on), create a list of all of them on a spreadsheet. That’s how you can keep a list of all the lower rankings keywords at one place so you can start working on them to boost their rankings on Google. If you are wondering how to increase the website rankings of your lower ranking keywords, here are few tips that can help you. Step 1: Keep a track of all the positions of your keywords. You can use tools like Semrush, Long Tail Pro etc. Here are 10 top tools you can use to find positions of your keywords on Google. Step 2: Make TWO lists of your keyword rankings. Include all the 1st page ranking keywords on Google and the other list is to include all the 2nd, 3rd page or lower ranking keywords. Step 3: Now, you will have two options. The first one is the use the 1st page ranking keywords and working on them (doing on page optimization, link building, using few more keywords, adding links etc) to get the top 3 search results for them. The second option is to solely work on the lower ranking keywords (the keywords that are NOT ranking on the first page search results on Google). Step 4: As I said in the above step, working on your already published posts and optimizing them properly for Google can help you quickly improve your website rankings. Quick note: It usually takes a month or two to notice improvements in Google search rankings after you update your old blog posts. Sometimes, you may see better results within a week or two. So being patient is the key. After all, Google has tons of pages indexed so it will take a while to notice great results. Here are few important questions you might want to check out if you’re looking for ways to increase your website’s search traffic.

Best Moz Alternatives for 2023 Gray Hat SEO Techniques to Uplift Your Website Rankings Step By Step SEO Tutorial for Beginners in 2023 Rank Math SEO Review: Is It Better than Yoast? Future of SEO: 5 Trends that Will Impact Your Website Rankings in 2023 SEO Silo Structure: The #1 Way to Outrank Even Authority Sites Serpstat Coupon Code: Grab 25% Discount Now Types of SEO: What They Are & How to Use Them

Final Thoughts

When it comes to generating more search traffic whether to a new blog or an established blog, it takes time and the access to right SEO tools. You can boost your traffic and get your hands on the right tools such as Semrush, Long Tail Pro without spending a lot of money. → SimilarWeb→ Alexa→ My Site Wealth and so on They all come at an affordable price. I suggest you to try them first and buy them if you are satisfied with them. Browse more Blogging Resources:

Why First 6 Months of Blogging is the Hardest? Top Blogging Tips And Tricks That Work Like A Charm Blog Commenting: Top Tips to Get Lots of Comments in 2023 Simple Steps to Get 30,000+ Visitors/Month Using Long Tail Keywords

If you are wondering how to increase your traffic from search engines, you need to follow just one advice: create content that is proven to go viral. As I discussed above, it’s much easier to build more links and get social shares if you are reverse engineering your content creation. So what are your thoughts? Do you have any more tips on attracting more search traffic to a new blog? If yes, please share them in the comments. Share this post with others so they can benefit.