What if you lose your handy little remote, though? Or what if it’s broken? Does that mean you cannot access your Vizio TV? Not at all! It’s easy to turn on your Vizio Tv, even without its remote. We’ve rounded up some easy and useful ways in case you want to turn on your Vizio TV without access to the remote.  

Can You Turn On Vizio Tv Without Remote?

Yes, the Vizio TV can be turned on by its built-in buttons or by connecting it to external devices, such as any gaming console. All these methods are straightforward to understand and implement. Choose your preferred method and follow the steps. 

1 Can You Turn On Vizio Tv Without Remote?2 How To Turn On Vizio TV Without Remote2.1 Method #1: Using the Power Button 2.2 Method #2: Using the Vizio Smartcast app3 How to use Gaming Consoles To Turn On Vizio TV3.1 Method #1: Using a PlayStation Console3.2 Method #2: Using a Nintendo Switch4 Use a Universal Remote5 Can You Connect Vizio TV to WiFi Without Remote?6 How Do You Connect Vizio TV to WiFi Without Remote6.1 Method #1: Using a USB Keyboard6.2 Method #2: Using an Ethernet Cable 6.3 Method #3: Using the Vizio Smartcast App7 Conclusion 


How To Turn On Vizio TV Without Remote

Can’t access your Vizio TV remote? Don’t fret. Here are a few efficient and easy ways to turn on your Vizio TV without using its remote. 

Method #1: Using the Power Button 

If you’ve lost the remote of your Vizio TV and it isn’t connected to wifi, a simple and quick way to turn it on is just to use the power button. The steps are pretty straightforward and self-explanatory.  

Method #2: Using the Vizio Smartcast app


How to use Gaming Consoles To Turn On Vizio TV

If you want other methods of turning on and controlling your Vizio TV via external devices, we’ve got you covered.  Whether you’re an avid gamer or need to use your Vizio TV to play your favorite games but can’t find the remote anywhere, you can just use your gaming console. Yes, it’s that easy. We’ve listed different methods to turn on Vizio TV with your gaming consoles.  

Method #1: Using a PlayStation Console


Method #2: Using a Nintendo Switch


Use a Universal Remote

You can get a universal remote for as little as $10 and then pair it to your Vizio TV with our list of Vizio Universal Remote Codes. The remote will then control your Vizio TV just like the original remote.  

Can You Connect Vizio TV to WiFi Without Remote?

You’ve followed all the steps, and your Vizio TV is now on. But what next? How do you connect the TV to WiFi and start enjoying your favorite activities on the Vizio? Surely you need a remote for that, right? Nope! Just as you easily turn your Vizio TV on without a remote, you can also connect it to WiFi without ever needing a remote.   

How Do You Connect Vizio TV to WiFi Without Remote

The next step after turning your Vizio Tv on is to connect it to WiFi so you can actually start using your TV. Luckily, you don’t need a remote for this, either. Instead, you can connect it to an external device and follow our steps to enjoy the features of the TV.   

Method #1: Using a USB Keyboard


Method #2: Using an Ethernet Cable 


Method #3: Using the Vizio Smartcast App



As incredible as the Vizio TV is due to its many interesting features, it is also quite versatile. If you have lost or broken your TV remote, that does not mean that all hope of accessing your TV is lost.  You can use several easy and quick methods to power your Vizio TV without needing a remote. Anything will work, from using the built-in buttons to downloading an external app. Moreover, your gaming consoles also work great in powering on and controlling your Vizio TV. If you’ve successfully managed to turn on your TV, you will obviously need to connect it to WiFi to move forward with its usage. You don’t need a remote for that, either. Connecting it to an external USB keyboard or even a plain ethernet cable can instantly connect your Vizio TV to WiFi. It really doesn’t get any better than this, right?